Healthy Conflict

Healthy People enjoy life, generally. In life we will have to deal with conflict but , most things aren’t that serious. Most of the time there are underlined issues that aren’t being dealt with if you are taking conflict from 0- 100 😡 .
Laughing doesn’t take away the validity of your words, in fact it helps the other person release their defenses.

I am using this devotional called “Rooting out Relationship Killers” by Stephen Matthew to be the guide.

Here is the link to the full devotional:

Healthy Conflict:


◘Is prepared to change

◘Looks at the bigger picture


◘Is honest


◘Recognizes differences

◘Is managed

◘Enhances relationships

Photo Credit: Unspalsh-Leighann Renee

Photo Credit: Unspalsh-Leighann Renee


Journaling through conflict has been helpful for me. It allows me to reflect. There have been times when I have vigorously wrote my feelings down until my fingers cramped up. Then there have been times when I wrote two words and let the tears 😭 flow. It always helps.


How often do you find yourself cutting someone off in a argument ? Me ? Too much. Listening is loving.


Did you know conflicts arise because we were all beautifully and uniquely created?


The question you have to ask yourself is... Do I care about this relationship ?
