Do you know what it means to be a healthy person?
Unsplash - Gerardo Rojas
So, about mental heath, how can we strive for mental health without having a barometer to measure. Do you know what it means to be a healthy person? Have you ever dealt with a person that was just unpleasant. If you haven’t chances are ... it’s you. Just sayin’. If you want to be healthy you have to keep it real. Your #nspajournal™️ can hold all your secrets and allow you to see where you need to improve.
I am using This devotional called “Rooting out Relationship Killers” by Stephen Matthew to be the guide. It is a practical biblical based teaching. It opened up my mind and heart to be more thoughtful about what it means to be healthy and what I can do to become healthy. Also, it pointed out some areas in my life I have to work on to be the best me.
Here is the link to the full devotional:
A healthy person is:
◘Easy to to talk to
◘Gets help
◘Respects Themselves
◘Respects Others
◘Continues to work on themselves
Knowledge gives you power but habits change your life. If you need help, seek options to get what you need.
Being open & balanced can be challenging to maintain but it is extremely telling about your mental health. Are you closed off ? Are you blurring the lines between your work and personal life? Maybe so, but here’s a new way to challenge your status quo.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find. Out.What.It.Means.To.Me. -Aretha Franklin. Healthy people do everything in their power to respect themselves and others. Respect is the bare minimum.
Healthy people do work on themselves. It’s an on-going process and it should be never ending. We can always be better but we should never stop learning.
Healthy people do stay healthy by continuing the work needed on themselves. They understand the influence they have on their loved ones and have decided to invest in self-care to be better for themselves in order to be better for others.